we are now officially legit non profit
Please consider
Sponsoring a ride?
Becoming a monthly donor on our Patreon.com/thepmabikeride?
thepmabikeride.com Please consider Sponsoring a ride? Becoming a monthly donor on our Patreon.com/thepmabikeride?
thanks to #grottonetwork for the video Www.thepmabikeride.com Please consider Sponsoring a ride? Becoming a monthly donor on our Patreon.com/thepmabikeride?
to #grottonetwork for the video Www.thepmabikeride.com Please consider Sponsoring a ride? Becoming a monthly donor on our Patreon.com/thepmabikeride?
january 2022

“Make a Stranger Smile”
The PMA Bike Ride is essentially a pizza party for the hungry on the street and you do not need a bike to join. More than just feeding pizza though, we aim to acknowledge the voice, value and humanity of those often looked down upon.
the PMA Bike Ride non profit was started by Joe Cox June 24, 2016, PMA means positive mental attitude. We believe there is too much negativity in the world and we must do everything we can to spread PMA and be the change.
To date there have been at least 310 "PMA Bike Ride" events in philadelphia (there are 4 events minimum a month) and we have given out at least 6,610 pizzas to the hungry on the streets or 52,880 slices and spent over 53,000 (based on 8 dollars a pizza average) grassroot dollars. We wish to Bike cross
country doing The PMA Bike Ride ASAP to raise awareness not only of the growing homeless problem but more so the complicity of others. We would like a Pma Bike Ride in every neighborhood in the U.S! We will give anyone in the U.S. 50 dollars to start their own PMA Bike Ride eventually we will give full starter kits.
- 2017 Highlights
- On March 14th 2017 we did a weeks worth of PMA Bike Ride events in honor of pie day where we distributed 20 pies a night to the hungry on the street, or 1,120 slices total for the week.
- On June 17th 90 kids came from South Dakota to Philadelphia to Join us doing a PMA Bike Ride in Which we Delivered 110 pizzas to the hungry on the street or 880 slices.
- On October 11th we did a a six state PMA Bike Ride mini tour where we hit Philadelphia Pa, Camden NJ, New York City, Wilmington De, Baltimore Md, Washington D.C. on this mini tour we gave out a total of 130 pizzas to the hungry on the streets or 1,040 slices.
- november 6th pma bike ride appeared in first podcast fresh air
- 2018 highlights
- february 22nd pma bike ride first news appearance on fox29 philly.
- march 14th pi day our first ever promo was released.
- march 14th pi day first vegan pma bike ride! also black bird pizzeria donated first sponsored all of it which has not be done before either.
- march 25th pma bike ride second appearance on the news on abc 47 salisbury md after Pma joe biked to home town to do pmabieride.
- april 23rd first live showing of pma bike ride promo at tattooed mom
- april 29th we were in our first expo philly home expo.
- may 5th pma bike ride first appearance on radio on phillycam
- may 16th pma bike ride talked about in philly mag
- may 18 pma joe biked to new york and back to philadelphia doing the pma bike ride, following andrew w.k. and king pizza records fest
- june 24th on our two year anniversary pma joe and pma tony biked to new york to the new york city bicycle film festival where they showed our promo above. they did pmabikeride before the fest on saturday and before heading back to philadelphia.
- nov Grotto network made a promo video with Mike of The PMA Bike ride.
- 2019
- Pizza Geezus was started in canada they are basically pma bike ride. they saw what we were doing and got inspired to do it there.
- february was featured on Philly cam
- february mentioned in south philly review/the star/north east times
- march mentioned in the grid magazine
- April became homeless hero of the month in the one step away magazine a magazine for street citizens.
- Dec 21st we did a solidarity with street citizens pma bike ride event at city hall, it was also the coldest day of the year. we did this to raise awareness of homelessness and to give street citizens solidarity. this may become a annual event.